☯ Beekeeping Tip #7

Make a split this year.
You know you want to, so just do it.

If you have a strong nice hive remove that old queen. Put her (the old queen) into a hive with at least 3 of her frames of brood and nectar /pollen. Feeding will let her re group more readily. Removing her creates queen-less hive as if she already swarmed. Make note of the date for mating due date reference.

In 4-5 days, the queen-less hive will have built queen cells. Probably on more than one frame!

Now it is up to you! Leave this hive alone to hatch a queen or make more smaller splits with the cells on each frame. A lot will depend on how big the queen-less colony is. if you choose to make more nucs with these cells do so on the 8th day to avoid shaking or chilling the queen cell. Make a small split (2-3 frames) or an even split (5 frames or more).
Your split should have eggs, larvae, capped brood, as well as a frame of nectar and pollen. The larvae is important because you will get the nurse bees on this frame. You can shake some nurse bees in from a frame of remaining brood frames.  As you build, be careful not to chill or bang the queen cell(s).The nuc needs a frame of nectar, pollen and honey and or you can feed it.

Once the new hive / nuc is together cover and walk away. The old queen in her 'new' hive will build this  hive back. The queen cell(s) in the old hive can be allowed to hatch and mate.
A mated queen should be found 21 days from your start date.

Somethings to consider;
Do not split a mean queen! You may end up with another.
Is your original hive strong enough to split?
Do you have enough equipment to accommodate another growing hive?

Good luck!